The way it works is this. You sign up at Creative Live (yes, you have to sign up to get their emails because their bulk email provider MailChimp, which is also mine, is ANAL about making sure that you don't spam users by using purchased email lists, or email addresses you randomly collected from cyperspace). Once you have signed up, you are able to tune in to various classes delivered by world-class experts in their field at no cost. If you dig the presentation enough, you can purchase the entire series for a very good price.
What types of programs does Creative Live offer?
- Fundamentals of Digital Photography by John Greengo
- Photoshop to HTML by Erik Fadiman
- Android Java Apps
- DSLR Cinema by Vincent Laforet
- The Creative Eye by Art Wolfe
- Aperture 3
- Watercolor 101
- and much more to come!
If you're a Twitter fan, follow them @CreativeLive and for the group use #creativeLIVE.
Remember you can follow me on Twitter: @classenj. Also, please recommend my blog to a friend. Later this week more news coming up including some great photographs and backgrounds for your desk/laptops.
Till then,